Protect your students from harmful online searches
The 3rd leading cause of death in young people worldwide is suicide.
Over five young people will take their life today.
Of UK children attempt suicide by the time they reach 17 years old.
Over 20% of suicide cases in under 20s had a suicide-related search history

Proudly partnered with

The missing piece of your organisation's pastor care
R;pple is an interceptive tool designed to present a visual prompt when a person searches for harmful keywords or phrases relating to the topic of self-harm or suicide. These phrases include any words or terminology which have been identified as displaying potentially damaging online content.
It works alongside any filtering solution already in place, without collecting data on your organisation or making your IT systems vulnerable to attack.
Digital crisis intervention
Safeguard students experiencing mental health struggles at a time when they are most vulnerable.
Additional protection
Complement and enhance your existing student wellbeing program, creating a safety net.
Privacy and security-first
Cyber Essentials certified. Does not collect, monitor or track any personally identifiable information.
Easy to install
On managed machines as a browser extension; on Wi-Fi networks to protect all devices and buildings. Support for IT teams in testing, pilots and roll outs.
Free for educators
Schools, colleges and universities can deploy the R;pple browser extension for free.
Trusted by your peers
Over 130 educational institutions have already adopted R;pple to protect their students and staff.

Simple. Safe. Secure.

Age-Specific Resources for Young People
Ensuring children, teens, and young adults receive tailored support through R;pple’s innovative crisis intervention tool
Support for every stage of life
R;pple ensures that children, teens, and young adults receive age-specific mental health support, connecting them to resources tailored to their age group.
Primary-aged children: Connected to trusted services like Childline and Kidscape for age-appropriate, compassionate guidance.
Teenagers under 19: Directed to platforms such as Young Minds and Kooth, which specialise in youth mental health support.
University students: Guided toward resources like PAPYRUS and The Mix, tailored to the needs of young adults navigating higher education and life challenges.
Schools, colleges and universities can get R;pple's age-specific signposting free of charge and with no technical effort required.
Existing users - simply submit a configuration request.
New users - start by deploying R;pple for free.

Your deployment options
R;pple Browser Extension
Protect desktop machines managed by your organisation – anytime, anywhere
Any operating system
Most popular desktop browsers
Various deployment options
Free for the Education sector
Age-specific signposting and customisation options

R;pple Wi-Fi Solution
Extended protection to any device connected to your organisation’s Wi-Fi network
Any operating system
Easy 5-minute configuration
Subscription model – annual or multi-year
Customisation options
Protect your organisation
Complete our short form to get sent your installation guide
Our hosting data is in the UK. Our analytics data is hosted in the EU. Other processors (DNS for example, are hosted in the US)
R;pple cannot report on data within your organisation. The purpose of the R;pple tool is to provide crisis intervention and immediate signposting to mental health support. This is where and when the person seeing these details, decides whether to follow that redirection, a personal choice.
We have thought long and hard about the possibility of collecting data analysis within organisations who have deployed R;pple. After careful consideration, we have come to the decision not to develop versions of R;pple which could report analysis for a specific company or organisation. The reasons for this decision include the following:
- Sensitivity - self-harm and suicidal ideation is a very sensitive subject. Reporting back on someone’s search history may have an adverse effect on the individual who is experiencing mental health crisis.
- Data Protection – feedback from our users, lived experience panels and clinicians has shown a strong preference for data protection, meaning we should not gain any access to information that could identify a person or their intentions.
- Personal Choice – R;pple provides an interception when an individual is conducting harmful online searches. Is it down to the individual as to whether they choose to utilise the support offered by R;pple or continue their search. We are not able to block people from accessing content outright, but we can provide support to individuals at their most vulnerable point in the hope they choose to utilise it.
Customer data is something we actively seek to avoid, at every turn. Our mission is to get R;pple onto as many machines as possible and to provide a vital safety net of support if somebody is researching a way to end their own life.
1. Please let us know how many machines you will be deploying R;pple onto
2. Please let us know what browser you will be deploying R;pple onto
3. Please liaise with your IT department to deploy the extension en masse. There are three primary ways to get the extension onto managed machines:
a. GPO (Group Policy Object)- You can force install a browser extension on Chrome and on edge using this method
b. Force installs through browser management. Both Google workspace and Microsoft 365 have methods for this
c. Using a third-party management tool (of which there are many – if your organisation does not use one, this is not an option to consider)
4. Have a look on our website under ‘The Communications’ here to think about how, when and if you’d like to publicise our partnership and the positive step you’re taking to protect your colleagues wellbeing and mental health.
R;pple is not able to determine any organisational or individual identifiable data from the metrics that are collected. However, we can provide very high-level organisational information in the sense that we could tell you how many times R;pple has been ‘activated’ within your region.
The only PII is IP address, if the extension is triggered. The majority of your users will not trigger the extension of course and for these we have no analytics or IP address collected. Our analytics activate along with the extension popup and provide us with information - some basic operating system, browser type, screen size and subsequent ‘in tool’ navigation data. After R;pple has been closed, no further data collection can occur. Our hosting data is in the UK. Our analytics data is hosted in the EU. Other processors (DNS for example, are either in the UK or EU)
IP addresses are only collected by our servers in the course of providing signposting content (e.g. to ensure we are signposting to French suicide prevention resources if the harmful search is conducted in France).
The data is held within server logs for a maximum of two weeks - 1 month.
The browser extension sits over the top of the browser and activates when a word or phrase is searched for that matches the word list installed with the extension. The extension does not in itself collect any search history. The browser, depending on its settings and whether in private browsing/incognito may collect a search history as it would usually, irrespective of the R;pple tool being installed.
Browsers do not track uninstalls or installs, but they do know how many active users we have on a weekly basis.