Working Nine-Alive

Take simple steps to improve mental health in the workplace
Man at laptop in dark
Casual office event
Ripple suicide awareness sign
With new research by R;pple finding that 1 in 4 employees have experienced suicidal thoughts at work, R;pple is campaigning for change – calling on legislators and workplaces to make suicide prevention mandatory and entrenched into their existing health & safety policies.

Whilst fire drills and marshals are common practice for workplaces, and Fire Action signs having been a legal requirement since 2007, the UK, unlike many other countries, does not monitor, investigate, regulate, or legally recognise work-related suicides – with a person 62 times more likely to die from suicide(1 in 88)than in a fire (1 in 5,447).

The latest findings from R;pple (Sept. 2022) also show that over a fifth (21%) of employees do not feel comfortable enough to talk to their employer about possible struggles with mental health. R;pple is therefore calling on businesses to become more accountable and put as much energy into suicide prevention as they do their fire escapes.


of staff think the the mental health policies in their workplace are unsatisfactory and do not think their company cares about their mental health


of staff said they do not have any mental health policies or practices at work.


of staff do not have anyone at work that they would feel comfortable talking to if they were struggling with their mental health.


of staff are either 'not sure' or 'unaware' of any suicide prevention policies in their workplace.


of staff have felt suicidal at work.


of staff have either left a job or considered leaving a job because their employer did not value the importance of mental health

<Address> mental health and suicide in the workplace

6 simple ways in which you can start to make a difference in your organisation

People in an office talkingTwo men in meeting space laughingLarge modern office

1. Reduce the stigma of suicide

One of the greatest challenges for individuals struggling with mental health is the associated stigma which prevents them from reaching out to get treatment. Businesses have a responsibility to ensure the correct language and terminology is used, as well as ensuring mental health is embedded at the core of its company values, providing frequent, informative, and supportive internal communications for employees to learn about mental health conditions and voice concerns about their own mental health - with a zero-tolerance policy to workplace bullying and / or harassment.

Large modern office

2. Install smart-tech such as R;pple to intercept web searches relating to self-harm and suicide

Installing R;pple is a simple yet life-saving tactic to start combatting mental health and suicide in the workplace; the smart software is installed as a browser extension on laptops and desktops or integrated into Wi-Fi networks and intercepts harmful searches relating to suicide or self-harm, by instead providing resources for people to seek free, accessible 24/7 mental health support.

3. Combat loneliness by creating a workplace that prioritises social inclusion

Isolation in the workplace is known to contribute to mental health issues, and its important employees are able to talk to one another; businesses should allow socialising during office hours, and arrange social events outside of office hours to ensure teams are bonding and engaging with one another - particularly with a lot of us now working from home.

Two men in meeting space laughing

4. Provide a fund for employees working from home & combat financial hardship

Financial struggles are often linked to mental health issues, with 30% of employees citing financial wellbeing as a cause of stress outside of work (ref The Workplace Health Report by Champion Health), and businesses should do everything they can to support their staff in these instances; providing free financial counselling is a simple but effective way or by going one step further by providing financial support for workers experiencing financial hardship - such as with the current cost-of-living crisis.

5. Provide access to mental health and suicide prevention training for all staff

One of the most important (and obvious) steps to preventing suicide in the workplace is to recognise it - and know the signs to look out for when someone is struggling; businesses should set-up annual training exercises with staff, such as a course with Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA), to show them how to identify and intervene with a colleague in this
situation, to ensure vulnerable employees get the help and support they need.

Download a Mental Health and Suicide Prevention pack of resources here.

People in an office talking

6. Reduce work-related stress & provide stable employment

Work can be stressful, however employers need to ensure that workloads are realistic and achievable, and that employees aren’t taking that stress home with them; flexible working hours, meeting-free time and regular check-ins are a good way of doing this; moreover, employers should support staff suffering a mental health crisis with access to paid leave using supportive policies, to ensure they’re able to take the time and get the help they need.

Ripple suicide awareness sign
“Without this tool, it is quite possible that within a couple of clicks, an incredibly distressed individual, will be able to access content that not only demonstrates means of dying by suicide, but encouragement and detailed instruction of how to do so.”