Protect your employees with a R;pple Subscription

Providing a safety-net for every employee
7 in 10 people who take their own life have an occupation listed on their death certificate. 26% have a suicide-related search history. Whilst certain professions and demographics carry higher risks than others, a R;pple Tool subscription can help provide last-line protection for your organisation.
R;pple provides support at the most vital moment, redirecting harmful searches towards mental health resources.
Be a <committed> mental health advocate
Integrating R;pple into your business will not only contribute to saving lives but also create positive changes in the way mental health is seen, talked about, and treated within your workplace and beyond.
Positive brand reputation
82% of modern consumers want brands to share their values, and will vote with their wallets if they don’t align.

Employee wellbeing
Show your employees that you care about their wellbeing and mental health by actively supporting us.

Community support
People who lose a person to suicide are 65% more likely to attempt suicide themselves. Your sponsorship can help save those at risk.
Subscribe today to begin <protecting> your employees
Subscriptions include donations to R;pple, helping us keep the tool free for families and educators.
R;pple Browser Extension
The R;pple Tool, as a browser extension, will protect your employees when making harmful searches on search engines on the relevant internet browsers. Prices differ according to organisation type and size.

R;pple Wi-Fi Solution
Integrate the R;pple Tool into your Wi-Fi network to provide additional protection on your employee’s personal devices whilst they are on your network.
Safe and secure
R;pple monitors user searches for the sole purpose of identifying harmful terms, and intervening with support. We do not see, share, or save anyone’s search histories or identifiable personal data.
A bespoke interface
You can request customisations to the R;pple Tool to increase its relevancy to your demographic, align with your mental health support offerings, or improve geographical relevance.

Subscribe today to begin <protecting> your employees
Subscriptions tend to be for 12-month contract periods, but we’re happy to accommodate requests for multi-year deals
R;pple is FREE for Individuals, Parents & Guardians, Schools, Colleges, Sixth Forms, Universities and Registered Charities.
A 50% discount is available for all Public Sector organisations
A one-off additional fee of £749 will be charged to organisations wishing to tailor the content featured on the R;pple tool.
We can provide onboarding services at a rate of £649 per day to assist with the deployment of the browser extension.
Your colleagues need your support:
Your colleagues might be struggling. Many individuals find it hard to open up and discuss their mental health. R;pple provides a ‘safety net’ for those who are in crisis and offers hope in their darkest hour.
Compliment your wellbeing offerings
Your current wellbeing offerings provide your staff and colleagues with a range of benefits to improve wellbeing and mindfulness. R;pple is not a wellbeing or mindfulness tool, it’s a crisis intervention tool and intercepts those colleagues who might need immediate mental health support.
Promote a positive brand:
Your brand is your company’s identity in the marketplace. It’s what you’re known for and how your customers perceive your company.
It goes without saying that every company strives to maintain a positive brand image, respected identity and favourable public opinion — whether the brand is local, national or global.
Show, publicly, your commitment to improving the mental health of your colleagues, customers and clients by partnering with R;pple.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
Highlighting corporate social responsibility: supporting a charity enhances a company’s credibility in a way that can spread a positive attitude amongst their audience and help them reach a new market.
The figures:
- Male suicide is at its highest rate in 20 years in 2020 (ONS)
- 26.8% of people aged 16-24 report having had suicidal thoughts in their lifetime, a higher percentage than any other age group (MHFA)
- Every 90 minutes in the UK, a life is lost to suicide (The Sun’)
- Harmful internet use was found in 26% of deaths in under 20s (Samaritans)
By supporting a mental health charity, you are opening doors to many other businesses, educational establishments and charities who also care about mental health and prioritise the wellbeing of their staff and colleagues.
Reach more people and collaborate openly about your organisation’s mission in smashing the stigma surrounding mental health and adding an additional layer of protection to your colleagues, customers and clients through R;pple.
For the R;pple browser extension, the usage data from R;pple is analysed internally for the purposes of improving the tool and its function. Ripple may engage the services of external data scientists and mental health professionals for the same.
For the R;pple Network Integration -DNS – Data is Shared between R;pple, Netsweeper and customer/end user.

The only PII is IP address, if the extension is triggered. The majority of your users will not trigger the extension of course and for these we have no analytics or IP address collected. Our analytics activate along with the extension popup and provide us with information - some basic operating system, browser type, screen size and subsequent ‘in tool’ navigation data. After R;pple has been closed, no further data collection can occur. Our hosting data is in the UK. Our analytics data is hosted in the EU. Other processors (DNS for example, are either in the UK or EU)
IP addresses are only collected by our servers in the course of providing signposting content (e.g. to ensure we are signposting to French suicide prevention resources if the harmful search is conducted in France).
The data is held within server logs for a maximum of two weeks - 1 month.
R;pple cannot report on data within your organisation. The purpose of the R;pple tool is to provide crisis intervention and immediate signposting to mental health support. This is where and when the person seeing these details, decides whether to follow that redirection, a personal choice.
We have thought long and hard about the possibility of collecting data analysis within organisations who have deployed R;pple. After careful consideration, we have come to the decision not to develop versions of R;pple which could report analysis for a specific company or organisation. The reasons for this decision include the following:
- Sensitivity - self-harm and suicidal ideation is a very sensitive subject. Reporting back on someone’s search history may have an adverse effect on the individual who is experiencing mental health crisis.
- Data Protection – feedback from our users, lived experience panels and clinicians has shown a strong preference for data protection, meaning we should not gain any access to information that could identify a person or their intentions.
- Personal Choice – R;pple provides an interception when an individual is conducting harmful online searches. Is it down to the individual as to whether they choose to utilise the support offered by R;pple or continue their search. We are not able to block people from accessing content outright, but we can provide support to individuals at their most vulnerable point in the hope they choose to utilise it.
Customer data is something we actively seek to avoid, at every turn. Our mission is to get R;pple onto as many machines as possible and to provide a vital safety net of support if somebody is researching a way to end their own life.
Evaluating the effectiveness of R;pple
Management and senior leadership within organisations whoare interested in implementing R;pple, or who have already deployed R;pple,should be aware that it should not be financially evaluated in the same way asother technological investments for the business.
If R;pple has never been triggered within your organisation,it simply means that, fortunately, none of your employees have conductedharmful online research about taking their own life on their corporate device.
However, if one of your employees does conduct harmfulonline searches in the future, R;pple is there to incept that action andsignpost them to immediate mental health support.
In the same way that a business invests in anti-virussoftware to protect their technology from malware, they would not simplydeactivate or cancel their anti-virus software subscription because thebusiness has not been subject to a cyber-attack, as that would subsequentlyleave the business vulnerable to cyber-attacks in the future.
Similarly, a business should not determine if R;pple is ‘successful’ or not based upon the number of interventions the tool has made.
The R;pple tool is a unique piece of tech that adds to your duty of care towards employees (and students, when considered within an Educational establishment). R;pple is a crisis intervention tool that provides signposting to mental health support following harmful online searches. The technology can complement your CSR strategy and also enhances your commitment to improving mental health for your workforce.
We recommend utilising the national tool as much as possible. However, if your organisation would like to tailor the mental health support options that appear on the tool, we can do this for a one-off fee of £749 to cover our costs and time. Please note, only the support options can be amended.
The colours, illustrations, wording and all other components of the tool will remain the same in line with our research and evidence based approach.To tailor the content on the R;pple tool for your organisation, we would require the following information:
- Services you’d like to remain: E.g., NHS 111 / Samaritans / Shout / CALM / Hub of Hope / StayAlive / Jacobs/ Clic
- Services you’d like to remove: E.g., NHS 111 / Samaritans / Shout / CALM / Hub of Hope / StayAlive / Jacobs/ Clic
- New services you’d like to add (to include the below details of EACH service)
- Name of service:
- Operating hours of service:
- Limitations: e.g., for a certain audience / only for a certain location / opening hours etc.
- Confirmation that you have spoken to the service which you wish to signpost to, and they have confirmed they are able to cope with the potential increase in demand of their service as a result of being promoted on the R;pple technology.
Please note, iterations are final and any further amendments you’d like made once we have obtained your sign off will incur additional charges. Once we have the above information, we can get to work in creating the customisation.
R;pple does not track or monitor any personally identifiable information whatsoever.
R;pple cannot report on data within your organisation. The purpose of the R;pple tool is to provide crisis intervention and immediate signposting to mental health support. This is where and when the person seeing these details, decides whether to follow that redirection, a personal choice.
We have thought long and hard about the possibility of collecting data analysis within organisations who have deployed R;pple. After careful consideration, we have come to the decision not to develop versions of R;pple which could report analysis for a specific company or organisation. The reasons for this decision include the following:
- Sensitivity - self-harm and suicidal ideation is a very sensitive subject. Reporting back on someone’s search history may have an adverse effect on the individual who is experiencing mental health crisis.
- Data Protection – feedback from our users, lived experience panels and clinicians has shown a strong preference for data protection, meaning we should not gain any access to information that could identify a person or their intentions.
- Personal Choice – R;pple provides an interception when an individual is conducting harmful online searches. Is it down to the individual as to whether they choose to utilise the support offered by R;pple or continue their search. We are not able to block people from accessing content outright, but we can provide support to individuals at their most vulnerable point in the hope they choose to utilise it.